Is travelling to the DR safe?

Yes! The Dominican Republic is a democratic nation with a stable government and a growing infrastructure
which has lead to a booming tourism industry due to traveler safety and the island’s natural beauty.

What documents are needed to travel to the DR?

All players need a valid passport to travel to the Dominican Republic. Additionally, Punta Cana Sports requires
each player to have a signed and notarized “Consent to Travel Abroad” form giving them permission to travel
outside of the USA with their coaches/chaperones. Upon entering customs in the Dominican Republic, players
have to purchase a $10 tourist visa.

What baseball gear should I bring?

– Glove
– Protective equipment
– White baseball pants
– Black baseball socks
– Personal items
– Plastic cleats (metal cleats are allowed but not recommended)
– Your own bat (please be aware of TSA security and airline baggage policies regarding travel with any bats)

What is the weather like in the DR?

The so-called ‘cool’ or winter season, runs from November to April. The humidity is relatively low during these
months and it tends to cool down in the evenings much more than in the summer months. The coastal/
beach regions generally experience highs of around 28°C (83°F) during the day and lows of about 20°C
(68°F) in the evening.
The summer season in the Dominican Republic runs from May to October. Average daily highs for the
coastal/beach regions rise to around 31°C (87°F) during the day, dropping down to about 22°C (72°F) at
night. It is the higher humidity during this period that can make it feel much hotter during this season.

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